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Writer's pictureAlex Wright

Apparently people are meeting their partners at the gym now?

Like, I just have some questions

Everyone has a meet cute at some point in their lives. Given the emphasis placed on romance, and the rom-coms showcasing meet cutes in every day life, a lot of us manifest one into reality - and then ignore all of the red flags along the way. But one place I've never thought of meeting a partner? The gym. To be honest, I wouldn't look at most of the people at the gym as potential friends, let alone life partners.

However, it seems that there are some people out there who the gym as a hook up spot (and no, we're not talking about the frat boys in the corner who think they're flirting when they try to "help" you with the weights). In fact, 12% of millennials are doing just that: finding love at the gym. I know, I'm shook too. I barely have the confidence to approach my crush when I'm ready for a night out looking FIT, let alone when I'm a hot mess collapsing on the treadmill. And yet, staggeringly, people are doing this - and you can too.

According to James Preece, a dating expert, it's actually not that difficult to achieve, if you can believe. It all comes down to three things: removing barriers, perfecting your timing, and being confident in your approach. Which, to be fair, doesn't actually sound that difficult.

In fact, Preece's biggest tip is to remove your headphones, and smile more. Which, yes, sounds very much like the guy on the street who shouts at you to "smile love" cos he's told you you've got nice tits BUT Preece might have a point. If you actually do want to be approached by a possible bae, then the first step is definitely being approachable.

He also suggests asking your crush for advice (oldest trick in the book) and keeping an eye on when they tend to come to see if they're likely to already be in a relationship (creepy). To be honest, it all sounds like a lot of work but if that's what you gotta do then you do you boo.

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