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Writer's pictureAlex Wright

An Australian model was refused entry to Louvre because her outfit was 'too revealing'

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

It's 2018 and women are still getting judged for their outfits, huh

Newsha Syeh, 25, is an Australian model and Instagram influencer, who claims she was denied entry to the Paris art gallery for wearing a "revealing" outfit.

She shared an image on Instagram which showed her wearing a low-cut black mesh dress, alongside the caption "Yesterday at the Louvre, I was stopped at the entrance by a guard for my outfit.

"He made the most disgusted and horrible gestures and facial expressions, swore at me to cover up, with hate filled eyes stopped me entering.

"I am heartbroken, because I thought the Louvre enforced this archaic rule. Turns out it does not."

According to a screenshot Syeh included in her post, the museum does not in fact have a specific dress code.

Talking to the Mail Online, Syeh stated: "I tend to be a little rebellious with the way I dress, but I was born in a country where women would be arrested just for showing their hair, so I celebrate the freedom other countries afford me now.

"He [the guard] eventually did let us into the museum after I put on my giant coat on that very hot day, but I didn't feel in the mood to enjoy art anymore after that.

"We walked straight back out and enjoyed the rest of Paris".

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